Before placing an order, please be aware that due to COVID-19, carriers have been experiencing delays. These delays are due to staff shortages which has significantly slowed down the sorting process as well as delivery times of all packages.
Please note, we do not have control of these shipping and delivery delays. We only have control of the amount of time it takes for us to fulfill and deliver packages to the carrier. Once the package is out of our hands, it goes through sorting and shipping at the carrier's facility. We are constantly monitoring our packages to ensure they are being moved within the system, but we also understand that due to the delays it requires more patience than usual. We ask that you please bear with us during this difficult time and to exercise patience as our country as a whole deals with this issue.
If you do end up experiencing delivery delays, rest assured that your package is not lost, but is simply delayed in processing like most other packages. For faster service from the carrier, we recommend purchasing our Expedited shipping options that way your package can be pushed to the front of the line at the sorting facilities.
Thank you for your understanding.